Welcome to the Autumn Newsletter 2013

It has been a rather wet autumn so far and the soil isn’t quite ready for raking over if you have already dug it, a few frosts should help and I think they may be on there way. If you have not already started digging you may have to wait until February, but start thinking about removing any old debris and composting older plants.
Now is the time to start thinking about crop rotation and what you would like to plant next year, as well as covering over any winter vegetables from frost protection (if required). Harvesting winter lettuce, leeks and cabbage (if the snails haven't got to them) are the main jobs, and remember to cut back your raspberry canes as they should have finished producing fruit if they are autumn varieties.
The next meeting will be held on January 13th for anybody that would like to attend the Hill Rise Allotment association where new news, developments and updates will be made, this is held at the corn exchange.
With the days becoming shorter and the nights drawing time is precious at the allotment. The gates have now been closed, but parking on the main site is still accessible, just bring you wellies if you have far to walk. Another job this time of year is to clean all your equipment. Hot soapy water is ideal to kill of any pest and diseases, just because they cannot be seen does not mean they might not be lurking for next year. Cleaning sheers in particular is advisable to stop disease spreading.
If your thinking of planting out any flowers or bulbs this can add an extra lift of colour whilst the vegetable beds remain empty. So wrap up warm, take a flask and still venture to the allotment, check weeds, plant health and if you are not rotivating this year consider checking the pH of you soil in case it needs liming. If you in search of manure, a lovely gentleman informed me he has plenty, RAF Wyton straight (left turning), large horse field.

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