Companion planting guide

Below is a simple vegetable companion planting guide explaining why some plants help each other and others have the opposite effect. You can also download the document by clicking Allotment Heaven Companion Planting Guide. Read on below the images for more information on companion planting.


There's evidence of companion planting being used for over a millennium in different regions of the world, for most vegetable growers it's the Three Sisters technique of native American Indians originating before the 15th century that most comes to mind. Corn planted would provide a trellis for beans, the beans in return fixing nitrogen in the soil. The trio would be completed by the addition of squash, which by covering the ground surpressed weeds and retained moisture in the ground.


What are the main benefits one plant can give to another? It's one or more of the following...

  • Increasing nutrients,
  • Helping with pest control, or
  • Increasing the chances of pollination

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