How to grow whopping great dahlias

Here's Robin's huge flowering dahlia, the variety is White Perfection. And this is how he raised it to such perfection...

1. Tubers, early March, started off in pots in their conservatory.

2. In late April potted on into 5 litre pots.

3. In late May transferred to 40 litre tubs/containers.

4. Initially only 3 shoots per container, reduced to 2 strongest and stakes provided.

5. Fed weekly with a general purpose liquid feed (Miracle Grow). Slug baited from the outset.

6. Side shoots rubbed out as early as possible and as flower buds formed small 'sides' rubbed out leaving a single 'King' bud.

He also has three other varieties treated exactly the same - Cafe au Lait has gone blind, 'king' flower failed and two stems beginning to get away. Garden Wonder has good strong stems, red, but flower size only 40% of the giant. Thomas A. Edison again has good strong stems, velvety purple, but flower size only 50% of the giant. So what is the secret? Robin suspects the variety or maybe just lucky, or a bit of both.

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