Plum jam easy recipe

Freezer still stuffed with plums and not sure what to to with the golden or rose tinted orbs? These instructions keep it simple... no worrying about setting point, no shoving plates in freezers and little time spent standing over a boiling pan. And this is certainly a fruit jam worth making... sweet and tangy, it's a great way to use up more of the glut of plums still hanging around.

Typically the jam available in shops struggles to reach 30% or 40% fruit content so this recipe is especially fruity, with 66% plum content... good enough to add to ice cream or yoghurt as well as toast or scones. And it's so easy to make, it's daft not to!

Equipment needed

1. Suitable sized bowl and pan

2. Jam jars with sealable tops

3. Long handled spoon

4. Milton sterilising fluid

5. A cooker hob might help as well ~;0)

Ingredients needed

1. Plums, washed

2. Granulated sugar, use half the weight of plums... e.g. for 4lbs (1.8kg) of plums use 2lbs (0.9kg) of sugar

3. Juice of two lemons


1. Sterilise the jam jars by filling with diluted Milton liquid and place the jam jar tops in boiling water. As an alternative the jam jars can also be sterilised in boiling water.

2. Remove the stones. There's no need to remove the skins since after boiling these will be very tender and enhance the flavour. If you'd prefer your jam without leave the skins loosen by popping the plums in a pan of hot water (almost boiling) for about 25 seconds and then removing into a bowl. The skins will come of easily.

3. Put the plums and sugar in a pan and add the lemon juice.

4. Put on a gentle heat and stir to prevent burning until all the sugar has dissolved.

5. Turn up the heat; continue to stir and boil for 15 to 20 mins.

6. Pour into jars, seal with lids and leave to cool.

7. Jars can be stored for many months, but once opened should be kept in a fridge.

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