Top articles from the Summer newsletter

The caption competition was again the best read article in the Spring newsletter, with 59 page views. Clearly readers were so concerned for the safety of the roof dweller they lost their sense of amusement, resulting in only 6 suggestive comments.

Here are the top articles from the last newsletter. If you're looking for inspiration to write something have a read topics to see what was popular. And the deadline for articles for the Winter newsletter? You need to supply them by the end of January… but no need to wait ‘til then, early contributions always welcome! Email them to me ( for the time being and I'll forward on to Steph, the new newsletter editor from January.

Just click on any of the entries below to read the article.

Article (click to access page)

Page views

Caption competition


Welcome to the Summer 2012 Newsletter


Robin lays eggs in hanging basket


Anyone seen any sunshine?


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