Welcome to the Winter 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to Winter newsletter and a Happy New Year!
It maybe a time where we feel there is not a great deal we can do at the allotment, especially with the recent weather, of snow and plummeting temperatures. But work can still be done, whether its feeding the chickens, fixing fencing, scraping off snow from the stretched fruit cage roof or tidying the shed, getting your wellies on and keeping up the work is key to any successful allotment.
The HRAA are hoping for another successful Flower and Produce Show this year, and, although it is not until September 7th the online forms are now available if you would like to enter. After the success of last years a number of new entry classes have been put forward so if you are not an expert at Victoria sponge but think you could create a glorious flapjack (a new entry for this year in the baking section), or you have some exotic vegetable variety to exhibit just visit the HRAA website for details on how to enter and to download your form.
In a few months time the annual Best allotment, garden, neatest street and business entry will be held in April, organised by St.Ives in Bloom. This year the theme will be on ‘Herbs’.  So if your considering taking part you may want to start planning, buying seed and thinking about those magic touches that could really showcase your horticultural expertise.
    St Ives In Bloom ha been entered in the Anglia in Bloom competition (the East of England section of the RHS's Britain in Bloom competition). The St Ives in Bloom competition is run, in tandem with the town's Anglia in Bloom entry, by a local committee. The aim of the competition is to encourage participation by local residents, businesses and community groups and to recognise the efforts of those people. The town council are always looking for volunteers so if you want to get involved and help and meet others interested in gardening just contact the St.Ives in Bloom homepage where contact detail can be found.
    If your news years resolution is to get out more and get gardening you may want to put your name down on the allotment list. Or if you have just inherited an allotment some of the tips on this website may help you along the way. You can even join the St.Ives Gardening Club. Meetings this year will be held at St.Ives Free Church with the AGM to be held October 16th. The gardening club provide many discussions on horticulture including Gardeners Question time and guest speakers such as Marney Hall who exhibited her ‘Skyshades’ garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2011, as well as visits to gardens such as RHS Wisley.
    All these events make for a jam-packed 2013. So happy growing everyone and if you have any comments or articles you would like to share on the HRAA Newsletter please feel free to contact.

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