Flower and Produce Show 2013

Yet another year of success with new categories and plenty to see the Corn Exchange hosted another great Flower and Produce show, a big thanks to those who set up and the sponsors. With more categories and more entrance the hall was glowing with exhibits, beautiful art work, tasty treats and the odd shaped vegetable.With a record 617 exhibits and hundreds of visitors visiting the Corn Exchange in the afternoon,there were many of positive comments. Here is a list of the winner and a few pictures of the days events.
Think it looks fun? It certainly is, although Ishall definitely baking far less next year!( My mother wasn’t overly impressed with the state of the kitchen that week!) Why not give it a go, you can enter just a few or try and beat Mark Bottoms third year running. If your not up for exhibiting how about helping set up? Or if you haven't visited before you are sure to enjoy it.

PhotoSetting up

We're always thinking about how to make things even better, and planning for the 2014 show is already under way. If you've got any suggestions please let us know... you can view the ideas list so far under the 2014 tab above. Might you have any photos of past shows in your family album? Maybe a snap of your grandfather or his dad proudly displaying winning exhibits? Do you have any old programmes? We'd love to hear from you. We're already gathering suggestions for how to make next year's show even better.  To send  the HRAA your thoughts click here.


If you would like to view more images of the show visit John’s lovely website, click here.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to give my congratulations to Mark Bottoms for winning the best in the show again. It just shows what everyone can do with hard work and a bit of initiative. He also works full time so does not have a great deal of time to give to the allotment. Well done. A well deserved win.
