Caption competiton

After the success of the last caption competition here's another snap to exercise your wit upon. (Ed: Are you serious? Don't you recognise that seat of power? You can't do that again! Well, be it upon your own head, but you'd better wear your tin hat for a while)

Harrumph... where was I? Oh yes, the competition isn't to recognise the owner of the derriere but to put into a few pithy words what you think he's up to. No prizes unfortunately, just a few minutes of fame in the next newsletter if your comment is judged the most amusing. Just add a comment at the bottom of this page.

So which was voted best comment from the last caption competition? Here's the ranking...

1st : Robin of Sherwood with "FOR SALE, Used Sleeper"

2nd : Ayesha with "Colin trying out his new raised bed"

3rd : Chairman's Revenge with "Norma was most unimpressed by the inflatable scare-crow she bought off the internet... whatever she did, she just could not make him stay upright and scare the birds away"

If you haven't got a clue what all of the above is about or want to read all of the comments, to go to the last caption competition click here.

Now, where did I put that tin hat?


  1. Finding himself locked out after another night out on the town, Colin was grateful for a dry place to lay his head down overnight.

    Bruce Wade-Shoos

  2. After accidentally dropping a £2 coin in the bottom he climbed in after it forgetting his lawn had quite a slope.


  3. Finding the cost of zorbing a bit pricey he decided to try a DIY version....maybe bungee jumping next?


  4. A few tea bags, veg peelings, grass cuttings, it's amazing what compost you can produce, give it a go!

  5. Norma started to get a bit concerned after Colin's love of compost went a bit too far!

  6. Robin of Sherwood8 February 2012 at 14:57

    Another poor gardener who can't afford a green water butt!

    (Been there but got my son in law to do that!)

  7. After accidentally dropping a 1p coin in the bottom he climbed in after it forgetting his lawn had quite a slope.

    Mandy Lyfeboats RN

  8. Norma, can I come out yet? I promise I'll behave today, and I do think your rule of 1 minute in the bin for each year of my age is a bit harsh when you're 71!

  9. Another novel way of avoiding the weeding.


  10. After squeezing in he realised 1. he'd forgotten to make the hole for the tap and 2. He was now stuck and his wife has out for the day.


  11. Chairman's revenge9 February 2012 at 19:03

    Norma was starting to worry about those organic slug pellets she had bought... a large mutant gastropod now appeared to be making its way across the garden

  12. Chairman's revenge9 February 2012 at 19:10

    We now understand what political commentators meant when they said the local Lib Dems were scraping the bottom of the barrel, by going into coalition with the Tories....

  13. Chairman's revenge9 February 2012 at 19:12

    Norma, you'd better not let me be the 'butt' of any more of the Chairman's silly jokes

  14. Chairman's revenge9 February 2012 at 19:38

    As a former accountant, Colin couldn't get out of the habit of giving his fixed assets a very thorough annual audit

  15. Colin's life ambition to literally test out all English idioms moved a little further forward when he simultaneously managed to both scrape the barrel and go bottoms up. He wasn't looking forward to the next idiom... to break a leg.

    Gladys Knott-Allover

  16. After being forced again into another game of Sunday afternoon hide and seek, Norma looked out of the kitchen window and starting to wonder if Colin really had used up all of his best hiding places.

  17. Startled by the Daleks sudden appearance, Colin knocked its plunger off before trying to hide in the water butt.


  18. Rub-a-dub-dub
    one man in a tub

  19. Does my bum look big in this?

  20. Barrel chested?

  21. Someone please tell Colin you hide your light under a bushel, not a barrel.

  22. The most compact mobile home on the market.

    Vic Tim
