Caption competiton

Although there's another 'interesting' snap of Colin in the wings, the recent weather and the result for this plot is just too good an opportunity to at least get some mirth out of the damp conditions.

So can you think up an amusing caption or two (or more) for this photo? If so, please add each as a comment at the foot of this post. No prizes unfortunately, just a few minutes of fame in the next newsletter if your comment is judged the most amusing.

So which was voted best comment from the last caption competition? Here's the ranking...

1st : Anonymous with "After being forced again into another game of Sunday afternoon hide and seek, Norma looked out of the kitchen window and started to wonder if Colin really had used up all his best hiding places."

2nd : Chairman's revenge with "We now understand what political commentators meant when they said the local Lib Dems were scraping the bottom of the barrel, by going into coalition with the Tories...."

3rd : Gladys Knott-Allover with "Colin's life ambition to literally test out all English idioms moved a little further forward when he simultaneously managed to both scrape the barrel and go bottoms up. He wasn't looking forward to the next idiom... to break a leg."

If you haven't got a clue what all of the above is about or want to read all of the comments, to go to the last caption competition click here.


  1. Should have planted a few more leeks.

    Chris P. Bacon

  2. A good rice harvest is expected from the St Ives paddy fields this year.

    Cereal planter

  3. The first hydroponics allotment at Hill Rise.

    Limp along

  4. Water melons shold do well this year.

    Sue Dawn Ayme

  5. Think we may have overdone it on the watering front tonight dear!

  6. And to think, last week we were reading up on gardening in drought conditions!

  7. "May the river rise to meet you"
    Old Irsh blessing

  8. the people at hill rise were overjoyed to beat the hosepipe ban, when arrangements were made for there own reservoir!

  9. Chairman's revenge4 June 2012 at 09:45

    Letter from Town Clerk: Further to your email regarding flooding on your plot, I have consulted with the Grounds Maintenance supervisor and I am assured that there is no problem of flooding on any of the allotments on Hill Rise
