Let us into your potato or tomato secret!

There hasn't yet been a season when I haven't found something to have a good moan about. It's an allotment holder's right to grumble about what went wrong; for me this year it's potatoes and tomatoes, both wiped out by the blight.

But looking around the allotment site, it appears there are some skillful accomplished proficient lucky (yes, that's the word I was seeking) growers who are, not to put to fine a point on it, abundant in the spud department and veritably exuberant with solanum lycopersicum.

So if you're chipper with home grown chips, or eagerly anticipating winter pizzas made with your own tomato sauce base, let the rest of us starving masses into your secret. What type did you grow? Did you apply any particular methods that helped? If you're already harvesting and cooking, how did your crop turn out in the pan? Just add a comment below to guide the rest of us for next season.

1 comment:

  1. My secret, if it can be described as such, is quite simple. Early in March I was immobilised by sciatica so my main crop was planted very late when the worst of the April rain was over.
    But there is something else:-
    I raised the level of the bed that I had chosen
    by getting another dumpy bag load of soil improver and digging it in. As the bed sloped a bit I removed some soil from the lowest end to raise the level of the rest.
    A trapped sciatic nerve is very painful but at least it saved my spuds.
