Caption competition

Here's a snap of another allotment holder, the image obviously cropped from the shoulders upwards so it doesn't frighten the horses. Can you think up an amusing caption or two (or more) for this photo? Surely those kneecaps are worthy of comment, or the boots prone to generate a quip. Please add each as a comment at the foot of this post. No prizes unfortunately, just a few minutes of fame in the next newsletter if your comment is judged the most amusing.

So which was voted best comment from the last caption competition? Steph, the joint editor of this newsletter and the one and only from January onwards, has judged the comments as follows...

1st : Red Daeleigh with "Daily Telegraph headline: 'MAN ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL WITH SHED LODGED UP BACKSIDE'

2nd : Victim's revenge with "Fidler on the roof"

3rd : Meadow view with "On the tiles"

If you haven't got a clue what all of the above is about or want to read all of the comments, to go to the last caption competition click here.



  1. Looks like two sticks of celery.

    From: Teresa Crowde

  2. Headless scarecrow for sale.

    From: Stan Still

  3. he's got such a job to pull 'em up that he calls them daisy roots

  4. nice head on that cabbage...not!

  5. I haven't grown much since I had these trousers for school, have I?

  6. These boots are made for walking but not the legs !

  7. He walks the allotments with his head tucked in his hood
