Caption Competition


Here's a snap of another allotment holder, the image has been kindly provided by Norma, I have never seen someone getting so close to one of these!

Can you think up an amusing caption or two (or more) for this photo? Surely those gazing stares are worthy of comment, and what did the people in the background make of this? Please add each as a comment at the foot of this post. No prizes unfortunately, just a few minutes of fame in the next newsletter if your comment is judged the most amusing.





So which was voted best comment from the last caption competition? I have judged the comments as follows...

1st Place: Stan still with ‘Headless scarecrow for sale.’

2nd Place: Alan Barton with ‘I haven't grown much since I had these trousers for school, have I?’

3rd Place: Q Cumber with ‘BFG’


If you haven't got a clue what all of the above is about or want to read all of the comments, to go to the last caption competition click here.


  1. Love at first sight.

    From: Izzie Friel

  2. Colin spotted yet another useful addition to his soft toy collection.

    From: Luke O'Said

  3. Yes, you're right that Kierkegaard was onto something from the start, but don't you think existentialism these days is SO passé?

    From: Hugh Jeego

  4. You blinked first.
    No I didn't!
    Oh yes you did!
    Look, if you're going to cheat it's not worth playing.

    From: Amanda Rynne

  5. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you're under.

    From: Kenny Craig, Little Britain

  6. After telling 'Norma' all about his day and not getting any sarcastic comments back, Colin realised he really should have gone to Spec Savers!

  7. Colin enjoyed the interesting conversations he had whilst canvassing for the Lib Dems, and was always ready to listen to electorates worries about the state Cambridgeshire's flooded fields

  8. Ex chairman's revenge24 February 2013 at 11:51

    Out again on the election trail again, Colin gave a new dimension to the well worn path of politicians kissing babies and patting dogs.... Patting babies and kissing llamas perhaps ?

  9. Colin spent a long tome assuring him that the van said pork not alpaca

  10. Alpaca picnic you bring the wine
