Spring Newsletter 2013


It’s taken a long time but finally the sun and warmth seems to be emerging. For many allotment holders the wet weather was a blessing if you managed to dig and turn the soil before more rain arrived, but those who have just begun digging always try and plan well in advance so your ready for whatever next year may bring. Due to the weather i am sure we have all experienced some setbacks with ‘getting ahead’ in the potting shed or greenhouse (if it is unheated) due to the lack of heat and sun. But, remaining optimistic, you can keep sowing seeds until June/July for some spring sowing vegetables so (as Monty Don always says) it is never to late to keeping sowing and planting.

Of course, due to the setbacks in whether this may lead one to panic and start sowing every variety under the sun (whilst it’s out that is). Try and plan when you want your crop, and if you want to grow a catch crop it is best to plan in fortnightly stages. Keep all sown seeds well labelled and organisation can be the key when sowing and growing larger quantities of vegetables.

There is a blog on  www.shapeyourplace.org about the coffee morning we held recently.

If you go to 


it takes you straight to it.

~Free Horse Manure~

Jackie, in Fendrayton, has a mountain of excellent well rotted horse manure to dispose of

but would find it inconvenient for people turning up and wanting just a couple of bags full

SO if you have a truck or trailer, that would hold a large quantity, please contact her on   spottyfatpony@yahoo.co.uk

to arrange a collection time and day.

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