Thirty Shades of Slugs


Thirty is about the number of slug varieties in the UK. And after a particularly damp summer in 2012 the news is we’re going to be inundated with slugs and snails in 2013. The National Trust says 2012 was an ‘apocalyptic’ summer for wildlife, except slugs. They really enjoyed the weather, to the extent that there’s lots more of them around.

The ‘killer’ slugs

According to a survey by the Royal Horticultural Society the most common complaint amongst gardeners last year was slugs and snails and unfortunately it looks to be getting worse this year with a new species of slug from Spain that is now established in the UK. It is thought to have come into the UK via imports of salad leaves, bare root trees and potted plants, and it is possible that many of last year complaints may well have been sightings of this new species

This new species can grow up to 15cm long and has been nicknamed the ‘killer slug’ because of its cannibalistic habits. The slugs have been found eating dead mice, dogs muck and even each other. The species has already been causing road hazards in Scandinavia by producing so much slime as it feasts on road kill.

Ian Bedford, Head of Entomology at the Government funded John Innes Centre in Norwich is leading research into these ‘killer’ slugs as he discovered 300 in his own garden. Ian has been collecting information on sightings of large slugs, crops that have been damaged and unusual incidents relating to slugs. He is also hoping to unearth whether the killer slugs are breeding with native species and whether or not we can control them using the same pest control methods. With a big concern being that the slugs can lay up to 400 eggs each and has few predators.

According to the experts the baby ‘killer’ slugs and eggs buried under leaves are set to emerge this spring causing an influx of millions. This species of slug likes to eat popular garden flowers like Allium as well as vegetables such as onion tops, chives, broad beans and runner beans. One of the biggest concerns is that they will eat the foliage on potato crops and decimate the oilseed rape crop which is worth millions to the UK economy.

Facts about Slugs:

· Only 5% of the slug population is above ground at any one time, the other 95% is below ground.

· Slug eggs can lay dormant in the soil for years, hatching when conditions are right.

· Since they’re hermaphrodite, each slug produces eggs,

· A slug can live for up to six years.

· So long as the temperature is above 5ºC, the slug is active.

· One slug has the potential to produce 90,000 grandchildren.

· The average UK garden has a population of 20,000 slugs.

So what’s the best way to beat the little devils (well, they do have two horns coming out of their heads)?

Slug pellets are not only environmentally unfriendly, killing insects, earthworms, birds and animals such as hedgehogs, but they’re a danger to young children and pets as well. And they’re pretty ineffective, killing no more than 10% of the slug population.

Removal ‘by hand’ is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of your slug population. Doesn’t mean literally by hand; use a garden trowel and plastic bag. Patrol on a damp  evening when dark and you’ll catch loads and loads and loads!

Keep things tidy by reducing the sites slugs can hide during the day. Remove undergrowth and rubbish and restrict sites to hide under to those you’ve set up as slug shelters.

Slug shelters sound a bit silly, but providing the ideal home so you know exactly where to find them means you can also gather them up and get rid of them. Slugs need to keep moist or they’ll die, so particularly during the hottest part of the day they’re going to be holed up where it’s cool and damp. Yes, you can go and look for such places, but why have a good tidy up and only leave strategically placed hiding places of your own? How about leaving pieces of damp carpet, or place old planks between rows of plants. Stones, bricks, or upturned seed trays will do the trick as well.

Slug barriers can help protect a single plant or a small group of plants. For the former use a large plastic fizzy drink bottle with the base cut out, placed over the growing plant. For larger areas use grit, sawdust or ash to create a barrier surrounding the plants. Copper tape is also available, the slug’s slime causing a chemical reaction that delivers an electric shock. Of course, check there are no slugs inside the barrier!

Beer traps are one of the more popular home made deterrents, although again not all that effective. They may be useful to protect small groups of plants, but on a large area it’s not feasible to have at least one every square metre. Just half bury a glass jar or smooth plastic container in the soil so it’s a least one inch above ground level (to avoid accidentally catching beneficial creatures as well) and half fill with beer. It’s a good idea to rest something loosely on top as well to keep rain out. Slugs find the smell irresistible and drown in the brew, hopefully in a happy daze. Just make sure you empty the jar on a daily basis; leave for a few days and the smell is unforgettable!

If all else fails, why not cook and eat them? For the recipe from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, click here.

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